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Technology inventory

Borrow technology website

uxEd article about this project

UX Cookbook recipes

Card sorting

What we did and why

We wanted to validate the categories of technology items before we migrate the Borrow technology section of the website to the refreshed site. We conducted an open card sort with users from the participant pool.

How we did it

We chose eight categories of items to include in the card sort. Each category was chosen because it included at least one item that we were unsure how to categorize. We excluded self-explanatory categories, such as “Calculators,” from the card sort.

We created a list of 25 tech items in Optimal Workshop and asked participants to sort them into categories. This was an open card sort, meaning that participants could create as many categories as they liked and choose a name for each category. We asked participants to sort any items they were unfamiliar with into a category called “I don’t know.”

After the card sort, we analyzed the data using a spreadsheet and analytics in Optimal Workshop. We looked specifically for patterns in how items were sorted, patterns in names of categories, and differences between the original categories and common card sort categories.

What we found

Part of the agreement dendrogram from Optimal Workshop.

Part of the agreement dendrogram from Optimal Workshop.

What we did next

Based on the findings, we developed four main recommendations:

We recommended sorting the items into seven categories: laptops, tablets, adaptors & power cords, laptop & tablet accessories, audio/visual & recording equipment, scanners, and maker tools.

Category recommendations

Now what?

We met with Travis Teetor, Morgan Hyde, Peter Schwarz, and other AIS colleagues on 6/30/2022 to present the recommendations and discuss next steps. AIS colleagues then worked with UX to incorporate the changes to the Tech lending spreadsheet.

We started drafting guidelines for how to categorize items that the library acquires in the future.

<aside> 🗓️ Last updated: 8/15/2022
